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Government Relations

ACIFA is a non-partisan organization, and its approach to government relations is to focus on post-secondary education issues and policy. ACIFA participates in policy discussions by responding to government papers, meeting with elected officials and bureaucrats, and participating in committees set up by the government. All of these activities assist policy makers in making informed decisions on post-secondary education issues. ACIFA researches information related to learning and working in Alberta’s post-secondary education sector. This work helps to inform our lobbying activities.


Public Interest Alberta's summary of the Blue Ribbon Panel's Recommendations


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In May of 2019, an independent panel of experts was appointed to review Alberta's finances and economy. The findings of the panel released in August 2019 have been termed the Blue Ribbon Panel Report on Alberta's Finances, or the MacKinnon Panel on Alberta's Finances. This is their report.

August 2019


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